Thursday, January 28, 2010


Welcome to the Pink Panthers Blog Site made for Pink Panther BoBers! I will start posting stuff about the 2009-10 books soon. Each post is about a book on the list, and the list is according to the order of the book
I have read so far, I am sorry for the inconvenience though.

Each post will have:
-The author's name, birth date and death date, if there is one (I put it in because I thought it would be   intresting to know what era they lived in)
- The title
-A list on main charactors
-A list of settings
-The summary (written by me)
-The name of the series and other books in that series if there is one
-Media information (television shows, movies, video games, plays, ect.)
-Awards the book/series may have won
-Any major themes of the story
-A picture of the book
-The number of pages in that book
-a link to wikipedia or sparknotes

Oh, and I think is a great source for book reports and stuff like that, it has helped alot with this blog. Visit and look around

Thank You! I hope you enjoy the site.

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